
Publisher: van Wijgerden, Pages: 56, Paperback, English

In the extra workbook there are 54 pages with exercises, which means as many as 54x12=648-31 (drawings)= 617 positions.

At the beginning come the exercises with the familiar items from Step 4:

  • Eliminating of the defence: interfering
  • Double attack: luring
  • Eliminating of the defence: blocking
  • Pin: placing front and back piece
  • Passed pawn
  • Double attack: eliminating the defence
  • The magnet
  • Double attack: chasing and aiming
  • King's attack
  • Elimination of the defence (capturing, luring away, chasing away)
  • Seventh rank
  • Double attack: clearing

In addition some issues from a lower step, but more difficult.

The last 26 pages contain tests. On the reminder are the guidelines for solving the problems without naming the topics.

Workbook Step 4 extra

Dutch English
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