
Publisher: van Wijgerden, Pages: 56, Paperback, English

Next to the exercises there are also reminders in the workbook. These are short recapitulations of the lessons from the manual for the students.

There are 11 reminders:

  • Material and time
  • Using pawns
  • The pawn race
  • Discovered attack
  • Rook against pawn
  • Strong outpost
  • Defending
  • Rook ending
  • Open file
  • Draw
  • The wrong bishop

On the remaining 44 pages there are always 12 exercises a page. That means a total number of 44x12-23 (drawings) = 505 positions.

The issues of the exercises are the same as in the manual.
See Manual for Chess Trainers.

Workbook Step 5

Dutch English
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