
Norway Chess 2020: beating the champ, ending his run!
Jan-Krzysztof Duda elaborates on his victory over Magnus Carlsen

CBM Special: AVRO tournament 1938 – clash of the generations
Alekhine, Capablanca and Euwe vs. Keres, Botvinnik & Co

Ruy Lopez: Marshall forever!
Petra Papp frees Black with 8.h3 Bb7 9. d3 d5!?

All in One 1: Semi-Tarrasch
Igor Stohl condenses all you need to know about this trendy opening

All in One 2: Najdorf with 6.Rg1
The advance g2-g4 is on - Anish Giri navigates you through the hot lines

Move by move to total domination
Replay the game Alekhine vs. Capablanca (AVRO 1938) with Simon Williams

London System – no rest for the Bf4
Alexey Kuzmin hits with the active 5...Nh5!?

Technique at its very best: good knight vs. bad bishop
The positional masterpiece Carlsen-Tari from Stavanger, explained in detail by Peter Heine Nielsen

“Capablanca’s drawing clockwork“
The 3rd world champion in sacrificial mode – one of four interactive videos in Oliver Reeh‘s tactics column

Killing the Italian with the Moeller Attack!
Christian Braun pulls an ace from his sleeve

ChessBase Magazine 199 (+DVD)

Uitgever / Publisher: Chessbase
Jaar / Year: 2020
Type: Magazine + DVD
Dutch English
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