
  • Sokolov – The Candidates Tournament Review 
  • Marin – Old Wine in New Bottles
  • Foisor – State of Play with Sabina (Attacking Chess)
  • Leitao – The Search for the Brazilian Immortal 
  • Szabo – The Keres Attack (Theoretical Survey) 
  • Ivanisevic – Ivan’s Short Cuts (Theoretical Overview)
  • Perunovic – The Rossolimo Sicilian (Theoretical Survey)
  • Kannapann – The Four Knights for White (Theoretical Survey) 
  • Milanovic – New Ideas in the Philidor Defence (Theoretical Survey) 
  • Prusikin – Shine and Poverty of Double Pawns 
  • Rogers – Biel Festival 1985 and 1986 (Roger’s Reminiscences) 
  • Griffin – A tribute to Lev Polugaevsky

Traditional sections: games, combinations, endings, Correspondence chess, Tournament reviews, the best game from the preceding volume and the most important theoretical novelty from the preceding volume.

Chess Informant 148 Adventure

Pagina's / Pages: 350
Uitgever / Publisher: Chess Informant
Jaar / Year: 2021
Type: Paperback
Dutch English
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