
Publisher: New in Chess, 2014, Pages: 106, Magazine


Talking Heads

Your Move

NIC’s Café

Karjakin Carlsen Style
On the World Champion’s home turf, Sergey Karjakin miraculously defended his Norway Chess title with a Magnus Carlsen specialty, a devastating final sprint from a seemingly hopeless position.

Beware! Brilliancy!

Nigel Short looks at 19 years of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and sees more than ample reason to vote for change at the FIDE presidential elections.

A Winner Takes It All
At the FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championship, Magnus Carlsen proved that he is the best in any FIDE rated time-control. Loek van Wely presents the main protagonists in Dubai and lets himself be guided by his idea of ‘defining moments’. Magnus Carlsen comments on both a rapid and a blitz game!

Fair & Square

‘What a lousy move!’
But it was played by Magnus Carlsen! Jeroen Bosch explains the S.O.S. merits of  the Ruy Lopez Alapin.

FIDE Grand Prix
Thanks to victories in Khanty-Mansiysk and Lopota World Champion Hou Yifan is back in the race to win the Women’s GP. 

Jan Timman profiles one of his strongest rivals. A fellow globetrotter with a special talent. ‘I believe that, after Kasparov and Karpov, I have learned the most from him.’

Should Be Easy!
Matthew Sadler makes a strong plea for (good) puzzle books.

Just Checking
What would Laurent Fressinet save from his house if it were on fire?

Did They Play Your Opening?

Karjakin-Carlsen, by Van Wely
Hou Yifan-Girya, by Hou Yifan
Caruana-Svidler, by Caruana
Yu Yangyi-Svidler, by Van Wely

Grischuk-Caruana, by Van Wely
Karjakin-Agdestein, by Agdestein
Nepomniachtchi-Nakamura, by Van Wely

Ruy Lopez
Karjakin-Carlsen, by Bosch
Caruana-Aronian, by Van Wely

Vienna Game
Mamedov-Carlsen, by Carlsen

Queen's Gambit Declined
Karjakin-Kramnik, by Karjakin

Carlsen-Fressinet, by Van Wely
Carlsen-Anand, by Van Wely

Queen's Gambit Accepted
Mamedyarov-Nakamura, by Van Wely

Carlsen-Aronian, by Giri
Aronian-Carlsen, by Van Wely

Grünfeld Indian
Kramnik-Grischuk, by Giri

King's Indian
Tomashevsky-Nakamura, by Van Wely
Carlsen-Grischuk, by Van Wely

Carlsen-Inarkiev, by Carlsen

Queen's Pawn
Harikrishna-Vachier-Lagrave, by Van Wely
Jobava-Mamedyarov, by Van Wely

English Opening
Grischuk-Aronian, by Agdestein
Hou Yifan-Stefanova, by Hou Yifan


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