
Publisher: New in Chess, 2013, Pages: 240, Paperback

"Know when (and where!) to look for winning combinations"

If only real life were like a book with tactics exercises! 

But during a game you are on your own. Nobody will whisper in your ear that you have reached a position that is, in fact, a tactical puzzle and all you have to do is solve it.

What you need, discovered Emmanuel Neiman in his long career as a chess trainer, is a way to read the signals which indicate that, somewhere in the position you are looking at, there is a tactical blow. What you need is a Chess Tactics Antenna!

This trail-blazing book provides a set of tools that enables the average club player to determine the moment he must look for win.

Emmanuel Neiman's previous book 'Invisible Chess Moves' won the 2011 ChessCafe Book of the Year Award!

Tune Your Chess Tactics Antenna

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