"Dommaraju Gukesh vs Ding Liren" Weltmeisterschaften im Schach sind ein Höhepunkt für die Schachspieler- innen und Schachspieler…
The Modern Steinitz (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5a6 4 Ba4 d6!?) is an uncompromising counterattacking…
"A sharp way to meet 1.d4" The Bogo-Dutch is a hypermodern defense to 1. d4 which is…
A short passage from the introduction of Common positional play 9: And now: openings! Who could have…
En dan toch: openingen! Wie had dat ooit kunnen bedenken? Ik niet. Ik heb openingen namelijk altijd een…
"Paperback version of previously published Hardcover" Boris Spassky is the most underappreciated World Champion in chess history,…
A new issue of the world’s premier chess magazine full of new content.
8 NIC’s Café
Robert Hübner (1948-2025).
"Paperback version of previously published Hardcover" Rook endgames are the most important to study, because they are…
"A dynamic opening repertoire for White" "Heruitgave van Everyman chess boek: Opening repertoire: The Iron English" …
"A dynamic opening repertoire for White" "Heruitgave van Everyman chess boek: Opening repertoire: The Iron English" …
"Exercises and Training for Ambitious Chess Players (2100+ Elo)" The astounding success of How To Study Chess…
"Tarrasch, Nimzowitsch and the Evolution of Chess Expertise" Siegbert Tarrasch and Aron Nimzowitsch could be called the…
"Tarrasch, Nimzowitsch and the Evolution of Chess Expertise" Siegbert Tarrasch and Aron Nimzowitsch could be called the…
"Paperback version of previously published Hardcover" Rook endgames are the most frequently recurring endgames and also…
100 fouten in de opening die je moet kennen is bedoeld voor leerlingen van stap 4 of hoger,…
"Das Schachspiel in Kultur und Alltag" In 20 Antworten auf d2-d4 entfaltet sich das Schachspiel als Schauplatz…
From 1905 to 1936, Alain C. White published a variety of collections of chess problems. The series…
From 1905 to 1936, Alain C. White published a variety of collections of chess problems. The series…
From 1905 to 1936, Alain C. White published a variety of collections of chess problems. The series…
From 1905 to 1936, Alain C. White published a variety of collections of chess problems. The series…